"New York City is SO big, I can't possibly see it all during my trip!" Actually...you can.

See New York City at its smallest. The Queens Museum's NYC Panorama  was built for the 1964 World’s Fair by a team of 100 people led by Robert Moses (a controversial figure in NYC's urbanization. (Read more about Moses in the NY Times). The Panorama is a 9,335 sq ft architectural model that includes "every single building constructed before 1992 in all five boroughs; 895,000 individual structures". WOW. A schlep to Queens might not have crossed your mind but not only is the Panorama mind-blowing, you can also spend some time in Flushing Meadows Park, the 3rd largest park in NYC- one and a half times the size of Central Park. Make sure to head over to Flushing proper for some of the most authentic Chinese food and best Korean food in this great big city.